Project Management consultancy (PMC) (Right from planning, scheduling, initial level survey checking, execution, quality control assurance and completion up to bill submission) services for improvements to bus route roads and interior roads (1834Nos) in Zone 1 to 15 - Greater Chennai Corporation.
Landtech has providing the PMC team for Greater Chennai Corporation.PMC scope involves the roads measured physically at the site after the execution and entered in the ‘M’ Book (Measurement Book) with qualified Engineers and also submitted to concern COC Engineer for approval.Also did Review and approval of the project execution plan (CPM/PERT Chart) submitted by the Contractor.
Review and approval of the Drawings and Documents if required.Review, inspection, and monitoring of Construction Work as set forth in Paragraph.Conducting Tests on completion of construction and issuing Completion/ Provisional Certificate as set forth in Paragraph.
To assist GCC in obtaining estimates for various utility providers like EB, CMWSSB, TWAD, Revenue Authorities etc, including follow up action.Assisting the Parties in the resolution of disputes as set forth.Undertaking all other duties and functions.
Assisting the COC with relevant clauses of codes and Practices for any situation that may arise at any point of time to arrive at a proper decision in all matters.